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The API allows you to view and manage running and completed orders.
Basics of the JSON and XML API
All important information for the use of the JSON and XML API you can find in the General API Basics and the XML API Basics and JSON API Basics. The specific SSL objects are documented here, the SSL tasks here.
Listing running and completed orders
With a list inquire request you can use the JSON and XML API to query all running and completed orders.
Displaying data of a running or completed job
The API offers the possibility to display details for a running or completed order. This includes, for example:
- Data for the Domain Control Validation (DCV)
- Status of the order on the CA side
- The certificate data such as the CSR used
Canceling a running job
Running jobs can be terminated via the API as long as they have not yet reached the status SUCCESS or FAILED. Note that the termination of a running request does not take effect until it has been terminated at the CA. Before this, the status CANCELED is displayed for the request.
Resend validation email
The validation email can be resent using the route POST /job/{id}/_resendApproverEmail or the XML task code 400118.