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For AutoDNS and SSL Manager there are several external implementations available:


SetupGuide Domain Plugin

SetupGuide SSL Plugin

Download Domain + SSL Plugin (PHP 7.4)

Beta Version JSON-API Plugin (PHP 8.1)

(JSON Beta Plugin: 16.03.2023)

WHMCS Compatibility: 8.6

Plugin Version/Date: 2022-03-28


## [28.03.2022]

* TwentyOne DNS template support added

* Error in TwentyOne DNS templates fixed

## [16.06.2021]

* "Reply to" settings in Registrar Configuration did not display the administrator email addresses after recent WHMCS update. Issue has been fixed.

## [04.03.2021]

* Bugfixes for Delete functions

## [11.01.2021]

* Changes to cURL behaviour due to function changes in cURL which caused the Whois Provider to malfunction

## [11.01.2021]

* Compatibility problems with WHMCS 8.x fixed

* Delete problems with WHMCS 8.x fixed

* "date" deletion is now again possible in the Admin Area

* the menu items for redirector and owner change in the Client Area are now localized via /lang/overrides/

* minor fixes for buttons in Client Area forms

## [04.03.2020]
* Compatibility for WHMCS 7.9.2 tested, no errors occurred.

## [13.01.2020]
* Improvements to domain cancelation
* Service cancelation with activated domain cancelation checkbox will switch off auto-renew for the domain which leads to a deletion on expiration.
* Please activate the option Setup -> Automation Settings -> Miscellaneous -> Cancellation Requests O Tick this box to automatically terminate accounts with cancellation requests when due
* The client can afterwards re-activate auto-renew again if he later decides to keep the domain.

## [06.11.2019]
* Compatibility update for WHMCS 7.8.3
* Contact information form in client area fixed

## [23.07.2019]
* domain extensions now also working for Transfers, until now only Create was possible
* general errors in plugin fixed

## [18.07.2019]
* general change of localisation for "Cancel" buttons in Client Area, Buttons now show "Undo changes" because the button just resets the form
* missing Cancel Button styles fixed in OwnerChange and Redirect forms (changeOwner.tpl/domainForwarding.tpl)
* improvements to class.InterNetX_API.php for update/ownerchange task (FUNCTION domainOwnerChange now uses task code 0104010 instead of 0102)

## [10.07.2019]
* fix domain action buttons in Admin Area if language is not EN

## [04.07.2019]
* improvement for handling of additional fields (extensions)
additionaldomainfields.php and dist.additionalfields.php are no longer required in the plugin.
InterNetX_additionaldomainfields.php must be called within additionaldomainfields.php as before (see setup documentation)

## [27.06.2019]
* fix to domainsync, deleted domains now go to "CANCELLED" automatically instead of keeping on "ACTIVE"
* fix to transfersync, domains that have successfully been transferred now go to "ACTIVE" again

- Extensions for .UK fixed

- unified Redirector Wording in Client Area
- extensions for .IT updated

- OwnerC = AdminC function for domain transfers fixed

- Problem with thirdlevel TLDs solved (
- Problem with SSL CSR transmission fixed

- Compatibility for WHMCS 7.7.1

- dist.additionalfields.php removed
- Errors in additionalfields.php fixed
- changes to InterNetX.php to display registration errors that were previously not shown
- new function in class.InternetX_API.php to display registration errors that were previously not shown

- Incompatibility with PHP 7.1 and later fixed for Premium Domain Check

- WHMCS 7.5.1 compatibility assured
- improvement: localisation moved to overrides folder
- InterNetX.php: Premium Domain Check improved for PHP 7.1 and later versions
- InterNetX.php: New function InterNetX_FormatPhone improves phone number formatting
- class.InternetX_API.php: check for InterNetX Nameservers name servers implemented to prevent errors with external nameserversname servers
-> if you are using virtual nameservers name servers you have to change "" twice in class.InternetX_API.php according to your nameserver name server hostname!
- class.InternetX_API.php: Country fix for transfers

- WHMCS 7.5 compatibility assured
- improvement: localisation for german in client area
- improvement: DNS form and redirect forms in client area
- bugfix: wrong button localisation in client area fixed, unnecessary buttons removed



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(The maintenance, servicing and support of the external API implementation is carried out directly by the provider)


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(The maintenance, servicing and support of the external API implementation is carried out directly by the provider)

Information from CloudBlue

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QuickGuide Odin Business Automation Plugin (nun CloudBlue)

(The maintenance, servicing and support of the external API implementation is carried out directly by the provider)


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(The maintenance, servicing and support of the external API implementation is carried out directly by the provider)

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(The maintenance, servicing and support of the external API implementation is carried out directly by the provider)

→ Information

(The maintenance, servicing and support of the external API implementation is carried out directly by the provider)