- Extensions for .UK fixed
- unified Redirector Wording in Client Area
- extensions for .IT updated
- OwnerC = AdminC function for domain transfers fixed
- Problem with thirdlevel TLDs solved (.co.uk)
- Problem with SSL CSR transmission fixed
- Compatibility for WHMCS 7.7.1
- dist.additionalfields.php removed
- Errors in additionalfields.php fixed
- changes to InterNetX.php to display registration errors that were previously not shown
- new function in class.InternetX_API.php to display registration errors that were previously not shown
- Incompatibility with PHP 7.1 and later fixed for Premium Domain Check
- WHMCS 7.5.1 compatibility assured
- improvement: localisation moved to overrides folder
- InterNetX.php: Premium Domain Check improved for PHP 7.1 and later versions
- InterNetX.php: New function InterNetX_FormatPhone improves phone number formatting
- class.InternetX_API.php: check for InterNetX Nameservers implemented to prevent errors with external nameservers
-> if you are using virtual nameservers you have to change "ns14.net" twice in class.InternetX_API.php according to your nameserver hostname!
- class.InternetX_API.php: Country fix for transfers
- WHMCS 7.5 compatibility assured
- improvement: localisation for german in client area
- improvement: DNS form and redirect forms in client area
- bugfix: wrong button localisation in client area fixed, unnecessary buttons removed