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Table of Contents

Basic Information

What is PROCEED?

PROCEED is an "SSL Offloading" service from InterNetX. PROCEED provides SSL certificates before the actual web server. Thus, no further integration of certificates on the server itself is necessary.
PROCEED also provides several useful extensions and modules, including CDN, caching and image optimization.

What is a TTL?

In the Domain Name System (DNS), the TTL (Time to Live) indicates the validity period of the name resolution for the name server entries (resource records). The primary name server thus informs the secondary name servers at what time intervals they should query the domain data of a domain from it. In the time between the queries, the secondary name servers access cached data (DNS caching). Therefore, changes to the name server settings of a domain are only effective with a delay. Example: With a TTL of, for example, 86400, all changes to the DNS settings become valid in 24 hours (86,400 seconds). If you want to activate PROCEED for your domains, we recommend a TTL of 300 for a fast data update on all name servers.

Can I use PROCEED also for servers which are not managed by InterNetX?

Currently PROCEED is only available for customers who purchase domains/SSL and servers from InterNetX. If you want to integrate externally hosted servers, please contact the sales department for an enterprise solution

Can I activate PROCEED for email services?

No, this is not possible. PROCEED currently does not support email services, only web servers (port 80 and 443). With the MX record you can use your email services even if you activate PROCEED for the domain.

Before Ordering

What do I have to consider when using the subdomain "Webmail"?

By default, the login page causes mixed content problems, since both HTTP and (secure) HTTPS content is loaded to display the same page. Include the module "HTTP(s)-Rewrite" to prevent these problems.

What do I have to consider when using WordPress?

By default, WordPress has mixed content issues because both HTTP and (secure) HTTPS content is loaded to display the same page. Include the HTTP(s)-Rewrite module to prevent these problems.

What should I do if an SSL certificate is already active for the website?

Existing certificates can also be integrated with PROCEED afterwards: please use "existing certificate" in the order process and upload the private key. To add a new SSL certificate, the old certificate should be deactivated in Plesk first: Domains -> domain.tld -> hosting settings -> SSL certificate -> drop down menu (nothing selected)

How can PROCEED and its optional services be used for parts of the website?

PROCEED can also be activated for single subdomains. For example, media can run over a subdomain and cache or CDN can be activated for this subdomain.

Are port 80 (http) and 443 (https) selected by default?

Due to use cases where other ports are used for the protocols (http / https) (e.g. Java for web servers), the selection is not restricted and can be set manually.

Which advantages are there when using the PROCEED template "Plesk"?

Your customers can reach the Plesk portal immediately with a secure connection via plesk.domain.tld without having to enter :8443 - ideal for resellers.

After the Order

Why is the domain displayed twice, under two different name servers?

When activating PROCEED, a name server update (ns14 to ns15) is performed. The current zone is cloned from ns14 and changed to ns15. The old (inactive) zone on ns14 will still remain and can be deleted if necessary).

How can I reactivate PROCEED and what has to be considered?

In your ISAC portal you will find in the overview "inactive" the domain for which PROCEED was deactivated. In the action menu under "Reactivate" the corresponding settings, like changing the name server and setting up the entries (e.g. MX record) in the AutoDNS, will be set again automatically. The function is not limited in time.

Why is my page not redirected via PROCEED, although the entry is active?

As soon as you activate PROCEED for a domain, the zone of the domain is moved to the PROCEED name servers and the respective entries are changed to the PROCEED-IP. The new entries only become effective after the respective TTL has expired. In addition, the name servers are updated at the corresponding registry of the TLD. These update times are independent of the TTL of the domain and cannot be influenced. Depending on the registry the update times usually range from a few minutes to several hours. If PROCEED (ns15) is already active for the zone, the name server update is not necessary and PROCEED is active after the TTL has expired.

Why do I get the error message "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS"?

This error message is sent if you have activated automatic forwarding from HTTP to HTTPS in your CMS (e.g. WordPress, Joomla or Typo3) or in PLESK. Disable HTTPS in your CMS and any forwarding to HTTPS to resolve this problem.

Why do I receive "Mixed Content" error messages in my browser console?

Mixed Content is present if, in addition to secure (https) content, non-secure (http) content is also transferred to the browser via SSL. This insecure content does not meet the security standard of SSL certificates and is therefore displayed as "not secure". This would also occur if the SSL certificates were integrated manually. This occurs especially with content management systems (CMS, such as WordPress or Joomla) or shop systems, as the protocol (http) of the URL is permanently implemented in the source code of the page.

Use PROCEED's "HTTP(S) Rewrite" module to solve this problem. If you load data from external sources (e.g. jQuery or bootstrap via CDN), also enable the HTTP(S) Rewrite module for external sources.

Why do I not receive any emails after activating PROCEED?

After activating PROCEED, the IP address of your domain is changed to the PROCEED IP address. If there is no separate MX record, PROCEED will automatically create a new MX record. All you have to do then is adjust the corresponding entry in your email client. You will find the new MX (mail server address) in the PROCEED activation email.

Does PROCEED automatically create MX records?

If an MX record exists, PROCEED leaves it as it is and does not make any changes. If e.g. for www no MX record was created yet, PROCEED automatically creates an entry to avoid errors. The newly created MX record always points to your server and not to PROCEED, because mail services are not handled by PROCEED. According to RFC, the A record is always used as MX if no MX is defined. Since this is changed during PROCEED activation, PROCEED automatically creates an MX with the original server IP.

Is it possible to evaluate IP-based statistics of shop systems, e.g. shopware, with PROCEED?

Please make sure that the variable "X-Forwarded-For" from the http-header is used instead of the "Remote-IP" to evaluate any statistics.

Is it possible to activate PROCEED even if email services are used via the domain?

Yes, this is possible. If there was no MX record (mail server address) yet, PROCEED will set it automatically. This must be adjusted in the email client. You can find the MX record (mail server address) in the AutoDNS in the respective zone entry and in the PROCEED activation email. Existing MX records are taken over.

What do I have to consider for the SPF record?

The SPF record is not influenced by PROCEED. Existing entries are taken over during activation. For help please contact our domain support directly
Optional additional modules

Can I activate PROCEED modules afterwards?

Yes, this is possible. You can activate all PROCEED modules except CDN for active entries via the Actions menu at any time. The runtime of a module is at least four weeks.

What does an activated "Cache" do?

With activated cache, static files are stored directly on the PROCEED nodes and are sent from there and not from the web server (Origin) when requested. This reduces the load on the web server considerably, because it does not have to answer the same requests over and over again. By caching web pages are loaded much faster, which can improve the SEO ranking significantly. The caching uses the "Google PageSpeed" standard.

What protection does the Web Application Firewall (WAP) offer?

The Web Application Firewall, WAF for short, offers basic protection against so-called XSS (Cross-Site-Scripting) and SQL injection attacks. PROCEED monitors if a user tries to enter malicious content into the site. An InterNetX Best-Practice-Rule is used.

This option is especially recommended for content management systems such as WordPress.

What are the benefits of the additional module "CSS/JS Minify"?

The module "CSS/JS Minify" removes unnecessary characters and breaks from CSS or JS files. If "CSS/JS Minify" is activated, the SEO ranking can improve significantly.

What are the benefits of the additional module "Image Compression"?

The "Image Compression" module reduces all static image files (e.g. jpeg, png, etc.) and converts them into the web-optimized format WebP. This means you no longer need to compress images for your website. With activated CDN, the static files are kept worldwide, which reduces the latency and loading time of your website.